The Runabouts
Live At Girl's State and South Park Rec Center 1963?

THE rock band at LHS
Tom Murray - rhythm guitar
Lynne Metzger - lead guitar
Ron Simpson - Bass guitar
Roger Simpson - Drums
Rex Spece - Sax & vocals

2 - Sony C37A on vocals
Capps on most else
One mic overhead on drums

PA was two 8" speakers 10watts each!
From Acetate

Intro.mp3 NightTrain.mp3
Blue Moon.mp3 Money.mp3

Up The Heard The Runabouts The Group The Mirage The Illusions The Golden Pharos The Commancheros The Argons The Jerms The Morning Dew The Chosen Ones The Renegades The Upside Dawne SMACK Spider And The Crabs The Red Dogs BLT Skeptics Tide Burlington Express Delta EricAndTheNorsemen BG & The Bunch The Young Raiders The Bluethings