The Bluethings

I'm waiting to put up most of their music until the CD set is released.

Here is a recording they did of some cover stuff.


POP Session 1966

Richard Scott, bass, vocal

Val Stecklein Guitar, writer, vocal

Mike Chapman, guitar, vocal

Rich Luzalere, drums, vocal


Talk Talk.mp3 Hey Girl.mp3
Its Alright.mp3 Instrumental.mp3


Home Up The Heard The Runabouts The Group The Mirage The Illusions The Golden Pharos The Commancheros The Argons The Jerms The Morning Dew The Chosen Ones The Renegades The Upside Dawne SMACK Spider And The Crabs The Red Dogs BLT Skeptics Tide Burlington Express Delta EricAndTheNorsemen BG & The Bunch The Young Raiders The Bluethings